Friday, April 24, 2009


For those of you guys who have webcams we're going to start getting online on Sundays at 12:00 p.m.-2:00p.m. Utah time so we can talk and you'll have a chance to see the kids. I think you can pick up a webcam at Bestbuy for about $20-$30. We'll be logged on with yahoo messanger if you don't have Kim on messanger you can add him it's If you don't have messanger you can download it for free just google it.
Hope to see you all
love you!


Em said...

i just dowloaded windows live messenger

Em said...

where is the pics of your house

Kiley and Ben Pew said...

Hey Ben and I don't have the internet right now. But I will let you know when we get it so we can all get online. Oh and I know a good website for this kindo f stuff, it's called skype. seriously it's the best for video stuff.