Saturday, May 9, 2009

Silly Britains

Here is some of the terminology that the British use everyday. A lot of it I had no idea what they were talking about. Especially the "bank Holiday" and the "jumper". LOL
British American
-cheers -thanks
-Biscuit -cookie
-car park -parking lot
-cupboard -closet
-dustbin -garbage can
-fag -cigarette
-chips -fries
-Holiday -vacation
-Jumper -sweater
-mate -friend
-bank Holiday -legal holiday
-Nappy -diaper
-Quid -slang for money
-garden -back yard
-zebra crossing -pedestrian crossing


Kiley and Ben Pew said...

That is funny. I am going to start saying them. I liked the pictures of the house. I wish I was over there with you guys.

Em said...

very cool i like the diaper one, so when you come back am i going to understand you? :)

Em said...

you need more pics of the house.